
Colorado Casino Nights

Casino Themed Parties & Event Entertainment

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Colorado Casino Nights Money Wheel

What is the first thing you see when you walk into a casino? 

Colorado Casino Nights offers a 10-player casino size Money Wheel and Game Table with original casino lay out.  This table is built using the same design and quality that is found on professional casino Money Wheel Games.  Requires One Dealer.


At your event, our professional dealers are happy to train any players on any of our games.  This is a great place to learn and a HUGE draw for your guests!  

Available to rent for Grand Openings, GiveAways, Conventions, or ANY Function or Event!!

Ask us about Fundraising ideas or "Vegas Vacation" details!

Give us a CALL at 970-613-1886 or EMAIL US!  We are always happy to help!

Basic Rules and Play of the Money Wheel

Casino style money wheel. Requires one dealer.

The wheel is divided into a number of equal segments. separated by spokes (or pins). Each segment is associated with a number. The wheel is spun by a dealer, and the winning segment is indicated by a pointer mounted on a flexible piece of rubber or leather, which also rubs against the pins to impart friction and slow the wheel down. The symbols are the $1, $2, $5, $10 and $20 bills — and two special symbols, usually a joker and the casino logo, which appear only once each. Players wager on the symbols. The $1 bills pay at odds of 1 to 1, the $2 bills at 2 to 1, the $5 bills at 5 to 1, and so on. The joker and the logo pay at odds of 40 to 1 or 45 to 1, depending on local gaming regulations or the practice of the casino.

Players will place their bets on the money wheel table in any amount that they want. As a minimum of one dollar up to any amount. Players place bets on the corresponding symbol to the dollar amount they feel the wheel will stop. Once all bets are placed, the dealer will spin the wheel making sure that it completes three full revolutions. When the wheel is spun no more bets may be placed and all bets are final. The dealer will allow the wheel to come to a complete stop and not touch the wheel until the next spin. The dealer will then collect all losing bets then pay the winning bets to the players according to the odds for each number. Once all bets are paid players my collect their winnings. Bets are allowed to be placed when the dealer says, "Place your bets."